Fit3D Body Scanning
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words
To help provide the absolute best member experience, Good Medicine has partnered with FIT3D, the world’s leader in 3D body scanning technology.
In a single 40 second, non-invasive scan, members can capture circumference measurements, body composition, posture analysis, BodyShape Rating (BSR), Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and much more. It also shows you how you compare against healthy ranges and against others of your same gender and age.
Plus, a 3D avatar to help you visually track your progress from any device anywhere in the world. You will be able to compare your baseline scan to any future scan so you can easily monitor, track and see the progress you’re making toward your fitness goals!
What To Expect At Your Fit3D Appointment
Fit3D appointments will be approximately 15 minutes and include the scan and data evaluation. A detailed Fit3D report will be emailed to you, and your data will remain in the system for comparison with future scans. The dress code for Fit3D is simple: minimal and form-fitting, and options include sports bras, form-fitting tights, leggings, underwear, and form-fitting swimwear. Loose fitting clothing will result in inaccurate measurements. Socks should be light colored or removed. You’ll also need to remove your shoes, hat, watch and jewelry. Longer hair needs to be pinned up. Plan on attending your assessment “dressed to be assessed” by wearing the proper assessment attire.