Age is Not a Risk Factor

Health + Wellness Writer

September 25, 2020

For years conventional leaders in medicine have told us otherwise. They say aging is inevitable — and that illness is a natural part of life. That once you hit a certain age, disease is expected and acceptable. More recent research is calling this total malarkey.

Yes, inevitably, our day will come. But why not live well while we walk this earth? Why not thrive? Life is not happening to you. More times than not, we hold the keys!

80 to 90% of chronic disease is modifiable. The other 10-20% is genetic.

A recent, large scale, multi-study analysis in JAMA showed a statistically significant reduction in age scores (physical, metabolic, cognitive, and emotional) through a balanced, low glycemic diet, coupled with nutrient dense support, and exercise. Described by the author as the “fight against frailty,” she challenges previous thinking and highlights the opportunity for lifestyle modifications to create meaningful change for those who choose, literally turning back the clock.

It is now understood that many factors can influence “age” and genomic stability — telomere shortening, free radical damage, oxidative stress, epigenetic factors, lifestyle and diet.

Your chronologic age is truly just a number. Your physiologic age is something different entirely.

For instance, the recent identification of clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP), and it’s primary relationship with those who have immune mutations in the following genes (DNMT3A, TET2, ASXL1, + JAK2), have shown significantly greater risks for cancer and artherosclerosis. This is one (of many) new methods for determining risk and opportunity for those we serve. And the BEST NEWS, this too can be MODIFIABLE. Age alone cannot (and should not) be considered a independent risk factor.

So the choice is ultimately yours. Do you want to exist or thrive?

I choose the latter. Not just for me and mine - but for those we serve.
#Health + #Wellness does not have to be complex. Small changes over time avail much.


We look forward to serving you.
#GoodMedicineGlobal #BeWell #EmpoweredHealth #IntentionalWellness

Brandon Luce