The Preservation of Health is Easier than the Cure of Disease

Health + Wellness Writer

July 20, 2020


This is a #truth that deserves your attention.

If we polled the group, the odds are good that most would agree that #health is important - and that the absence of health (illness, dysfunction in the body, dis-ease) is something that we all would like to prevent.

Now consider this: Does the life you’re living line up with this ideal? How are you spending your seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years to effectually realize this ‘health’ you desire?

Further, how is your health system working 𝘧𝘰𝘳 you to help accomplish this? Many of you are paying hefty insurance premiums each month - how is this service helping you maintain health? I’m not talking about early detection, annual screenings, and regular check-ups to tell you “all is fine, see you back next year.” I’m asking you how your system is 𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 you healthy?

The good news is that you have the power to create positive change for your health and the health of your family. The bad news, your health system is not always going fund it. The truth is, payors make more when you’re sick - not when your healthy. Follow the dollars... 

Choose to spend your time and resources on strategies and services that bring about the change you wish to see, those that are life-giving.

Questions? Contact us - we want to see you thrive.

#GoodMedicineGlobal #HealthIsWealth #EmpoweredHealth #IntentionalWellness #Health #Wellness #Prevention #Restore #JoyfulHeart #MadeForMore #NourishWell #DitchAndSwitch #ToxinFree #RestWell #SymptomSpeak #Listen #CommUnity

The Preservation of Health is Easier than the Cure of Disease.jpg
Brandon Luce