Bowel Health

Health + Wellness Writer

October 12, 2020

Albeit a sensitive subject, a discussion about bowel health + wellness is worthy of your time and attention!

Did you know that your bowel habits speak VOLUMES about your underlying health?  Over 60 million Americans struggle with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome – constipation, diarrhea + mixed forms).  More times than not, these are symptoms of an unhealthy gut!  

Here’s your guide to getting back on track and making your bathroom visits appropriately productive!

  1. Keep track of your poop!  How often are you going?  Is the consistency…consistent?  Formed?  Generally speaking, good bowel health means that you are ‘going’ at least once per day and are producing formed stool, consistently.  If you are going too often, you aren’t absorbing nutrients sufficiently.  If you are going every few days, then you are reabsorbing toxins in your stool that your body is trying to eliminate!  If your stools are too loose, we have work to do to sort this out!  If they are too hard, damage can occur.  

  2. Fiber is important.  Make sure you are getting between 25-35 grams of fiber per day!  Get in at least 10 fruits + veggies in per day – if you need additional help, consider adding plant-based fiber to smoothies to increase your intake!

  3. Feed your gut (properly!)  Avoid simple carbs, processed foods, and sugars!  These are the most harmful to your GI tract!  Also, keep in mind that many prescription drugs also cause bowel problems – these include cardiac, anxiety/depression, pain/inflammation, and sleep medications.  Generally speaking, most benefit from a quality probiotic with diverse strains.  If you need help finding one that suits your needs, we are happy to help!

  4. Don’t sit (too long)!  Lack of movement + exercise are a common problem associated with constipation!  Believe it or not, exercise isn’t only for your heart + muscles, but your gut as well!  Also – when it is time to ‘take a seat,’ be mindful not to sit too long!  An average ‘elimination’ should take no longer than 5-10 minutes.  Any longer and you are applying unnecessary strain to your lower GI structures.  If you struggle in this area, see step #5!

  5. HYDRATE!  HYDRATE!  HYDRATE!  Generally speaking, you should consume around half of your body weight (in ounces).  Every.  Single.  Day.  

  6. If you are having difficulty making it to the bathroom, there are other factors to consider.  You could be dealing with food sensitivities, SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth), etc.  Both require your attention – we are happy to help!  

  7. #Listen to your body.  In the busyness of life, many forget to listen to their body’s cues!  Remember:  #SymptomsSpeak – make sure you stay tuned in!  Your health depends on it! 

Brandon Luce