Dangers of the Standard American Diet

Health + Wellness Writer

October 26, 2020

Real talk…

Did you know that many of the foods, portions, and recommendations included in the #StandardAmericanDiet are at the root of modern day chronic illness? Read that again...

At #GOODMEDICINE, we believe that food can be medicine, but it can also be poison. That’s why we often refer to it [the Standard American Diet] as the “SAD” diet.

Did you know 80-90% of modern chronic disease is modifiable?? That means we can CHOOSE the health we experience!

For those we serve, it is our honor to offer #health and #wellness solutions that target the #root of #disease in the body, restoring proper function and creating a space where true #healing begins. Food is a powerful communicator – guiding our bodies toward either #health or #illness.  We get to choose; but sometimes, it is difficult to determine which foods are best in the landscape of food sensitivities, individual nutrient needs, etc.  

More often than not, your health + wellness journey with GOOD MEDICINE begins with simple #nutrition guidance and support - uniquely designed with your needs in mind. 

Let’s work together to create lasting change, starting with what you are placing on the end of your fork.

#NourishWell #BeWell #HealthyLiving #Organic #SelfLove #CleanEating #InstaHealth #HealthyFood #HealthyLifestyle

Brandon Luce