Breast Cancer Awareness, Prevention + Early Detection

Health + Wellness Writer

October 29, 2020

There are many things vying for our attention these days. 

But we did not want to let this month end without bringing awareness to one of the most prevalent cancers in the U.S. 


Current data suggests that 1 in 8 women will experience breast cancer in their lifetime.

There are an estimated 325,000 new breast cancer cases diagnosed in the U.S. each year - 2 million cases worldwide.

1 in 100 cases diagnosed are men.

Mortality is disproportionately distributed – almost 40% higher in black women.

Those of Ashkenazi Jewish descent have a higher incidence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 variant; but only about 5-10% of breast cancers are believed to be genetically mediated.


Please understand, our intent is not to spread fear in sharing this information.  Rather, we want to empower you. The truth is that we can do something.  We can prevent.  We can thrive.

If only 5-10% of breast cancers are genetically derived, this means we have opportunity to create the change we wish to see.  It takes work + intention, but your life is precious and worth the effort:

  1. Talk to someone about balancing your hormones. Estrogen dominance is closely linked to increased risks for not only breast cancer, but also a myriad of other illness. Comprehensive lab testing provides quality data that allows us to properly modify this in a natural and healthful way!

  2. Eat the rainbow! Fruits + vegetables are important for supporting phase 1 and phase 2 detoxification in the liver. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, etc. support in estrogen metabolite clearance. Curcumin, flax, and omega 3’s are also crucial! Eliminate dairy.

  3. Move. Aim to sweat at least 45 minutes per day, most days of the week. Don’t forget to stretch and practice deep breathing – this will also help you with step #4.

  4. Manage stress. This is a hard one, but your health (and your life) depend on this. Is the stress you are feeling worthy of your time + energy? Is it toxic? Does it steal your peace? If yes, then its time for a change. If you need help, let us know. We are honored to support you in this journey.

  5. Detox. Heavy metals and various forms of toxin exposure are highly linked with breast cancer. Speak with your Functional + Lifestyle Medicine provider about a detox program.

  6. Please, please stop smoking. If you need help, let us know. We would be honored to help!

  7. Significantly reduce/eliminate alcohol intake. Data suggests that moderate alcohol consumption (1-2 drinks per day) increases risks 30-50%.


Early detection is linked to improved outcomes, here are some options for you:

-Self breast exams.  Get to know your body, swipe left for some suggestions to help you with this process.  Remember that it is normal to have some changes, particularly for women, throughout the month.  However, anything that is persistent or worrisome should be reported.

-Thermography.  This is non-radiation imaging that uses infrared technology to detect inflammatory patterns.

-Ultrasound.  This is another non-radiation option that can be used to better appreciate nodules felt that cannot be fully evaluated via traditional imaging.  Generally speaking, this is a comparable option to mammography, but cannot detect lesions that are less than 1 cm.

-MRI.  Magnetic resonance is a type of imaging that is unfortunately not regularly covered by most plans for breast imaging, but many centers offer affordable cash pay imaging.

-Mammography.  This has been the gold standard imaging in breast cancer for almost 50 years.  It is low-dose radiation imaging (about the same amount as a chest x-ray).

If you have battled, are battling, or have lost someone due to this terrible disease – please know we are so very sorry.  You are in our thought + prayers.  We have to do better.


Don’t play with your health.  

The world needs you.

#BreastCancerAwarenessMonth #BeWell #EmpoweredHealth #IntentionalWellness #MadeForMore

Breast Cancer Awareness, Risks + Early Detection.jpg
Brandon Luce