What’s In Your Drinking Water?

Health + Wellness Writer

October 30, 2020

It’s fairly well-known that hydration (adequate water intake) is a vital component of overall health. 

But have you ever thought about what is actually in your drinking water?

The Safe Drinking Water Act passed almost 45 years ago - but, unfortunately, this legislation only regulates ~90 pollutants. 

Recent studies have found hundreds of contaminants in North American drinking water - many of which are not only known contaminants, but are also unregulated. 

It is estimated that 150 million Americans are exposed to these toxins in their drinking water each year, although many believe this is a gross underrepresentation of the problem.  

All of this begs the question:  

What exactly is in our tap water? 

  • Chemical runoff

  • Drugs + pharmaceuticals

  • Fertilizers

  • Heavy metals

  • Home cleaning products

  • Industrial solvents

  • Paint

  • Pesticides

  • Toxic spills

  • Vehicle emissions

  • Weed killers, etc.

Pretty scary, right? These chemicals have been linked to a myriad of health problems that include (but are not limited to):

  • Autoimmune problems

  • Cancer

  • Chronic infection

  • Heavy metal toxicity

  • Hormone disruption

  • Inflammatory problems

  • Kidney problems

  • Liver problems

  • Neurogenic disorders, etc.

So how do we create change?

  1. Educate yourself + others

  2. Speak up + speak out

  3. Be mindful of your contribution to the problem + seek to change bad habits

  4. Protect yourself + those you love. There are various water filtration systems available - ranging from $30 - thousands.

Believe it or not, water can also be too filtered. Adding trace minerals, phytonutrient + antioxidant water boosters are healthful ways to ensure your water is balanced and supportive of your body’s fluid homeostasis. 

#Hydrate #Water #ToxicExposure #EmpoweredWellness #IntentionalHealth #SymptomsSpeak #Listen

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Brandon Luce