When is the Right Time to Start Thinking about Family Planning?

Health + Wellness Writer

February 24, 2021

We find that this discussion is often limited and/ or under-represented in most clinical discussions.

You either are or you aren't. You’re either ready now, 'will consider it later,' or completely disinterested....

At GOOD MEDICINE, we honor your current season and consider ourselves blessed to get to link arms with you in the areas of your health that are important to you today - but we also care about your future health interests and want to help set you up for success.

If there is ever the possibility (even remotely) that you may want to plan for a family in the future, we encourage you to consider that focus in your health desicions today.

The truth is, fertility is rarely a concern, until it is a concern. And most efforts to improve your baseline markers [in support a healthy pregnancy (and babe)] are often slow-moving.  Meaning, it is best to start planning at least 6 months before trying - ideally, 1-2 years prior.

The trauma of #TTC and #infantloss are heavy.  We want to help you in this journey, supporting you (and yours), each step of the way.

When is the right time to start thinking about family planning?  The answer may be 'today...'.

Brandon Luce